Welcome to KC Critique

Foodies Turned Food Critics With a Twist! 

How often have you asked a friend or coworker about their experience at a restaurant or bar you were
thinking about visiting? Most of us prefer asking someone we know rather than basing our decision to
try a new place on a Yelp or Google review and why not? With today's busy schedules and the high cost of
going out, we find ourselves wanting to make the most of our free time and no one wants to waste an
evening at a restaurant or bar with poor service, a limited menu or food that just isn’t good.

My wife and I started KC Critique as a way for our friends and neighbors in the Kansas City Metro to get
unbiased reviews on local restaurants and bars. What makes us different from other food critics is the
fact that we incorporate multiple diner’s reviews on an establishment.

After choosing a place to review, my wife and I (frequently accompanied by 2 to 4 of our friends) visit the establishment and order whatever sounds good to each of us. Along the way we each (including the
friends we brought along) make note of the parking, wait time, cleanliness, service, menu options,
portion, presentation, taste and overall cost. On any given visit, we may have conflicting opinions over
certain aspects (i.e., maybe what I ordered was great but what you ordered missed the mark) based on
our individual experience. However, our review will list each of our opinions on each aspect and then
will include an overall summary based on this feedback. This will provide you with a unique perspective
to base your decision to try a new restaurant or bar.

We hope you like our new endeavor and find our reviews useful If you have any questions, comments
or have any suggestions of places we should review, please email us at critic@kccritique.com.
